
PAN 2.0 FAQ: All Your Questions Answered

The Indian government, through the Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) under the Ministry of Finance, has announced the approval of the PAN 2.0 Project. This significant initiative aims to revolutionize the process of issuing and managing PAN (Permanent Account Number) and TAN (Tax Deduction and Collection Account Number), making it more user-friendly, efficient, and aligned with the Digital India initiative. This press release provides comprehensive information about the project and addresses frequently asked questions to ensure clarity for taxpayers.

With existing PAN database of 78 crore PANs and 73.28 lakh TANs, the project addresses the requirements of taxpayers, focusing on consolidation of multiple platforms/portals and efficient services to PAN/ TAN holders.

For more information on quick links related to PAN card services, you can visit this link.

Key features of PAN 2.0:

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on PAN 2.0 Project:

Question 1

What is PAN 2.0?

PAN 2.0 Project is an e-Governance project of ITD for re-engineering the business processes of taxpayer registration services. The objective of the project is to enhance the quality of PAN services through adoption of latest technology. Under this project ITD is consolidating all processes related to PAN allotment/updation and corrections. The TAN related services are also merged with this project. Besides, PAN authentication/validation through online PAN validation service will be provided to user agencies such as financial institutions, banks, government agencies, central and state government departments etc.

Question 2

How PAN 2.0 will be different from existing setup?

i. Integration of Platforms: Presently, the PAN related services are hosted on three different portals (e-Filing Portal, UTIITSL Portal and Protean e-Gov Portal). In the PAN 2.0 Project, all PAN/TAN related services will be hosted on a single unified portal of ITD. The said Portal would host all end-to-end services related to PAN and TAN like allotment, updation, correction, Online PAN Validation (OPV), Know your AO, AADHAAR-PAN linking, verify your PAN, request for e-PAN, request for re-print of PAN card etc.

ii. Comprehensive use of technology for paperless processes: Complete online paperless process as against prevailing mode

iii. Taxpayer facilitation:  Allotment/updation/correction of PAN will be done free of cost and e-PAN will be sent to the registered mail id. For physical PAN card, the applicant has to make a request along with the prescribed fee of Rs 50 (domestic). For delivery of card outside India, Rs. 15 + India post charges at actuals will be charged to the applicant.

Question 3

(i) Whether existing PAN CARD Holders will be required to apply for new PAN under the upgraded system?

(ii) Do you need to change your PAN number?

No. The existing PAN card holders are not required to apply for new PAN under the upgraded system (PAN 2.0). 

Question 4

Do people have an option to get corrections done on PAN, like name, spellings, address change etc?

Yes. If existing PAN holders want to make any correction/updation of their existing PAN details such as email, mobile or address or demographic details such as name, date of birth etc., they can do so at free of cost after the PAN 2.0 Project commences.  Till the time the PAN 2.0 project is rolled-out, the PAN holders can avail the Aadhaar based online facility for updation/correction of email, mobile and address  free of cost by visiting the below URLs:



In any other cases of updation/correction of PAN details, the holders can do so using the existing process either by visiting physical centres or applying online on payment basis. 

Question 5

Do I need to change my PAN card under the PAN 2.0?

No. The PAN card will not be changed unless the PAN holders want any updation/correction. The existing valid PAN cards will continue to be valid under PAN 2.0. 

Question 6

(i) A lot of people have not changed their addresses and are continuing with old address.  How will the new PAN be delivered?

(ii) By when will the new PAN Card get delivered?

No new PAN card will be delivered unless the PAN holder requests for it owing to any updation/correction in their existing PAN. The PAN holders who want to update old address, they can do so free of cost using Aadhaar based online facility by visiting the below URLs:



Accordingly, the address will be updated in the PAN database.

Question 7

(i) If new PAN cards are QR code enabled, will older ones continue to function as it is?

(ii) What will QR code help us with?

(i) The QR code is not a new feature, and it has been incorporated in the PAN cards since 2017-18. The same will be continued under PAN 2.0 project with enhancements (dynamic QR code which will display latest data present in PAN database). PAN holders having an old PAN Card without QR code have an option to apply for a new card with QR code in existing PAN 1.0 eco-system as well as in the PAN 2.0.

(ii) The QR code helps in validating the PAN and PAN details.

(iii) Presently, a specific QR reader application is available for verification of QR code details. On reading through the reader application, complete details, i.e., photo, signature, Name, Father’s Name / Mother’s Name and Date of Birth is displayed.

Question 8

What is - the "Common Business identifier for all business-related activities in specified sectors"?

In the Union Budget 2023, it was announced that for the business establishments required to have a PAN, the PAN will be used as the common identifier for all digital systems of specified government agencies.

Question 9

Whether Common Business identifier will replace the existing unique taxpayer identification number i.e. PAN?

No. PAN itself will be used as a Common Business identifier.

Question 10

What does the “Unified Portal” mean?

Presently, the PAN related services are hosted on three different portals. In the PAN 2.0 Project, all PAN/TAN related services will be hosted on a single unified portal of ITD. The said Portal would host all end-to-end services related to PAN and TAN like allotment, updation, correction, Online PAN Validation (OPV), Know your AO, AADHAAR-PAN linking, verify your PAN, request for e-PAN, request for re-print of PAN card etc., thereby further simplifying the processes, and avoiding delay in PAN services delivery, delay in redressal of grievances etc. caused by the presence of various modes of receipt of applications (online eKYC/online paper mode/offline).

Question 11

For people holding more than one pan, how will you identify and weed out the extra PAN ?

As per the provisions of Income-tax Act, 1961, no person can hold more than one PAN. In case a person holds more than one PAN, he/she is obliged to bring it to notice of Jurisdictional Assessing officer and get the additional PAN deleted/de-activated.

In the PAN 2.0, with the improved systems logic for identification of potential duplicate requests for PAN and centralized and enhanced mechanism for resolving the duplicates would minimize the instances of one person holding more than one PAN.

For quick access to various PAN-related services, including applying for a new PAN, checking application status, and downloading e-PAN, you can visit this helpful resource. This comprehensive guide provides all the necessary links and information.

In addition to the FAQs provided by the official government release, we have also taken into account some of the most asked questions related to PAN 2.0. By addressing these popular queries, we aim to provide comprehensive information and cater to the evolving needs of taxpayers. Here are some additional FAQs that have been gathered:

What are the key features of the new PAN 2.0 system? (Ref: Q1, Q2)

How do I apply for a new PAN card under PAN 2.0? (Ref: Q2)

Is PAN 2.0 free? (Ref: Q2, Q4)

Where can I apply for PAN 2.0 online? (Ref: Q2, Q10) 

When will PAN 2.0 be launched/implemented? (Government release does not specify a launch date)

Updating & Correcting PAN Information:

How do I update my PAN card information under PAN 2.0? (Ref: Q4, Q6)

Can I update my PAN card address online? (Ref: Q4, Q6)

How to correct mistakes on my PAN card (name, spelling, etc.) under PAN 2.0? (Ref: Q4)

Is updating my PAN card free under PAN 2.0? (Ref: Q4)

Existing PAN Cards & Transition:

Do I need a new PAN card with PAN 2.0? (Ref: Q3, Q5)

Will my existing PAN card still be valid after PAN 2.0 is launched? (Ref: Q3, Q5)

How do I download my e-PAN card? (Ref: Q2, Q10)

Can I reprint my PAN card under PAN 2.0? (Ref: Q2, Q10) 

Specific Features & Concerns:

What is the PAN 2.0 QR code and how does it work? (Ref: Q7)

What is the PAN Data Vault and how does it protect my information? (Ref: Key Features Section)

What is a "Common Business Identifier" in relation to PAN 2.0? (Ref: Q8, Q9)

What's the difference between PAN 2.0 and the old system? (Ref: Q2)

If I have multiple PAN cards, what should I do under PAN 2.0? (Ref: Q11)


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written by Bruhadeeswaran R.